His mustache is why people like him.
His mustache is what gives him strength.
His mustache is why he knows many things.
In his mustache, he has faith.
But one day his mustache fell off.
And in a depression he did fall.
For his mustache was what defined him.
With it, he thought he had it all.
His friends came to visit,
But he did shut them out.
"They only liked me for my mustache, " he said.
He was full of doubt.
Then one night he had a dream.
An angel appeared and spoke by his bed,
"It's not the mustache that makes a man,
It's the man inside instead."
And so he woke the very next day
and took a walk outside.
His friends were happy to see him.
"We miss you and love you!" They cried.
A valuable lesson, he did learn.
He swears by it to this day.
It never really was his mustache,
that gave him an edge in any way.